Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Titles : Temperature Sensor


In this project micro controller based eggs incubator, the temperature for hatching egg care is important to ensure that the eggs are not damaged when the hatch later.Temperature sensors are used in this incubator project is to control the appropriate temperature to hatch chicken eggs.Temperature is defined as the energy level of matter which can be evidenced by some change in that matter.Temperature sensors come in a wide variety and have one thing in common: they all measure temperature by sensing some change in a physical characteristic.Temperature sensors are devices that are used to gather information or data about temperature from specific sources and, convert the data into understandable forms for an observer or for other devices. They come in different forms and, therefore, their applicability is not limited. They are used in simple matters like taking body temperature or room temperature to more complex scientific use.

  • To gathering information about  types of temperature sensor.
  • To know the type of temperature sensor that is suitable for projects.

Problem Encountered

From this activity, it is not have much problem because the information that used has been investigated in previous week.

Project Description

The seven basic types of temperature sensors to be discussed here are thermocouples, resistive temperature devices (RTDs, thermistors), infrared radiators, bimetallic devices, liquid expansion devices, molecular change-of-state and silicon diodes.


Thermocouples are voltage devices that indicate temperature by measuring a change in voltage. As temperature goes up, the output voltage of the thermocouple rises - not necessarily linearly.

Often the thermocouple is located inside a metal or ceramic shield that protects it from exposure to a variety of environments. Metal-sheathed thermocouples also are available with many types of outer coatings, such as Teflon, for trouble-free use in acids and strong caustic solutions.

Resistive Temperature Devices

Resistive temperature devices also are electrical. Rather than using a voltage as the thermocouple does, they take advantage of another characteristic of matter which changes with temperature - its resistance. The two types of resistive devices we deal with at OMEGA Engineering, Inc., in Stamford, Conn., are metallic, resistive temperature devices (RTDs) and thermistors.

In general, RTDs are more linear than are thermocouples. They increase in a positive direction, with resistance going up as temperature rises. On the other hand, the thermistor has an entirely different type of construction. It is an extremely nonlinear semiconductive device that will decrease in resistance as temperature rises.

Infrared Sensors

Infrared sensors are noncontacting sensors. As an example, if you hold up a typical infrared sensor to the front of your desk without contact, the sensor will tell you the temperature of the desk by virtue of its radiation - probably 68°F at normal room temperature.

In a noncontacting measurement of ice water, it will measure slightly under 0°C because of evaporation, which slightly lowers the expected temperature reading.

Bimetallic Devices

Bimetallic devices take advantage of the expansion of metals when they are heated. In these devices, two metals are bonded together and mechanically linked to a pointer. When heated, one side of the bimetallic strip will expand more than the other. And when geared properly to a pointer, the temperature is indicated.

Advantages of bimetallic devices are portability and independence from a power supply. However, they are not usually quite as accurate as are electrical devices, and you cannot easily record the temperature value as with electrical devices like thermocouples or RTDs; but portability is a definite advantage for the right application.


Thermometers are well-known liquid expansion devices. Generally speaking, they come in two main classifications: the mercury type and the organic, usually red, liquid type. The distinction between the two is notable, because mercury devices have certain limitations when it comes to how they can be safely transported or shipped.

For example, mercury is considered an environmental contaminant, so breakage can be hazardous. Be sure to check the current restrictions for air transportation of mercury products before shipping.

Change-of-state Sensors

Change-of-state temperature sensors measure just that - a change in the state of a material brought about by a change in temperature, as in a change from ice to water and then to steam. Commercially available devices of this type are in the form of labels, pellets, crayons, or lacquers.

For example, labels may be used on steam traps. When the trap needs adjustment, it becomes hot; then, the white dot on the label will indicate the temperature rise by turning black. The dot remains black, even if the temperature returns to normal.

Change-of-state labels indicate temperature in °F and °C. With these types of devices, the white dot turns black when exceeding the temperature shown; and it is a non reversible sensor which remains black once it changes color. Temperature labels are useful when you need confirmation that temperature did not exceed a certain level, perhaps for engineering or legal reasons during shipment. Because change-of-state devices are nonelectrical like the bimetallic strip, they have an advantage in certain applications. Some forms of this family of sensors (lacquer, crayons) do not change color; the marks made by them simply disappear. The pellet version becomes visually deformed or melts away completely.

Limitations include a relatively slow response time. Therefore, if you have a temperature spike going up and then down very quickly, there may be no visible response. Accuracy also is not as high as with most of the other devices more commonly used in industry. However, within their realm of application where you need a nonreversing indication that does not require electrical power, they are very practical.

Other labels which are reversible operate on quite a different principle using a liquid crystal display. The display changes from black color to a tint of brown or blue or green, depending on the temperature achieved.

For example, a typical label is all black when below the temperatures that are sensed. As the temperature rises, a color will appear at, say, the 33°F spot - first as blue, then green, and finally brown as it passes through the designated temperature. In any particular liquid crystal device, you usually will see two color spots adjacent to each other - the blue one slightly below the temperature indicator, and the brown one slightly above. This lets you estimate the temperature as being, say, between 85° and 90°F.

Although it is not perfectly precise, it does have the advantages of being a small, rugged, nonelectrical indicator that continuously updates temperature.

Silicon Diode

The silicon diode sensor is a device that has been developed specifically for the cryogenic temperature range. Essentially, they are linear devices where the conductivity of the diode increases linearly in the low cryogenic regions.

Project Outcome

During the week, what I have got from the research that has been done is whatever sensor we select, it will not likely be operating by itself. Since most sensor choices overlap in temperature range and accuracy, selection of the sensor will depend on how it will be integrated into a system.

Sunday, October 20, 2013



        The research project is an important part to find out information about the project to be carried out. For this third week is more research to egg incubation process.Incubation is the process by which birds hatch their eggs, and to the development of the embryo within the egg. The most vital factor of incubation is the constant temperature required for its development over a specific period.Embryonic development is a continuous process that can roughly be divided into three different phases. They are differentiation, growth and the maturation.

  • To gathering the information that needed in this project.
  • To know the proper egg incubation process.
  • To know the temperature and humidity of care for each type of egg.
Problem Encountered

          The success of this type project depends on proper care and incubation of the hatching eggs so healthy, vigorous chicks are produced. Many times a producer carefully attends to the incubation process but disregards the care of the eggs before they are placed in the incubator. Even before incubation starts the embryo is developing and needs proper care. Hatching eggs suffer from reduced hatch ability if the eggs are not cared for properly.

             At the start of incubation the embryo produces little heat and eggs must be warmed. This means that the air temperature must be higher than the egg temperature. As the embryo grows, metabolic heat production increases and to prevent overheating the air surrounding the eggs must be cooled such that heat is removed from the eggs.

          The condition of incubator is very importance element. Poor results are most commonly produced with improper control of temperature and/or humidity. Improper control means that the temperature or humidity is too high or too low for a sufficient length of time that it interferes with the normal growth and development of the embryo. Poor results also occur from improper ventilation, egg turning and sanitation of the machines or eggs.

Project Description

             The components than must be control in the incubator are temperature, humidity and ventilation. The temperature must depend on the types of egg. In order to hatch a good percentage of fertile eggs, an incubator must be able to maintain a constant temperature. Though different sorts of eggs require different heat levels, most will grow and hatch well at 99 to 101°F. Sure, that does sound imposingly precise, but such accuracy isn't all that difficult to achieve.The condition of the incubator for various types of egg showed at the table below:-

            The table shows the condition of the incubator for various type of egg which is consists of suitable temperature and humidity for every type of eggs. The Fahrenheit unit can be converting to Celsius by using the Fahrenheit formula, F = [32 + (9/5) a’C].

Project Outcome 

          As the project outcome,temperature and humidity for the care of hatching eggs is an important process for the project. From this research also, each species shall have the incubation period, temperature and humidity distinctive

Monday, October 7, 2013


Title of activity:-
  • Create a blog for final year project 1.
  • Discussion with the supervisor about how to created the blog of the project that will developed.

  • To ensure that students have a place to interact with supervisor.
  • To ensure the progress of project will be update to supervisor.


           For the second week, I have consulted the supervisor to discuss about logbook for final year project. Later,the supervisor makes recommendations so that use a blog to replace the logbook so that easy to update the reports progress of the project.


           As a result of this week, I have created a blog for final year project .The project titled Micro-controller Based Incubator Eggs. From this blog, supervisors can view and comment the blog.


           Conclusion, each student is required to make a logbook or blog, but it's up to the supervisor to use the logbook or blog. This blog, facilitate students to update the progress of the project and it is also easier to find a project for supervisor.


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Title of activity :
  • Find the supervisor for final year project 1.
  • Discussion the title for final year project 1 with supervisor.

  •  To make sure the student have supervisor that will supervise or guide student in their project until at the end of this subject.
  • To make sure the project that has been discussed is approved by supervisor.


For the first week, students will have to find a project supervisor to monitor the project along with the students, but it depends on the scope of work for this subject that has been given. After that, when supervisors were chosen by students and then, students have to find the title of the project and suggest some topics for supervisors or project titles have been handpicked by the supervisor to the student. If the titles final year project was selected or approved, it is automatically registered officially in this subject by the supervisor.


The results for this week, Sir Ahmad Roshidi Bin Amran of the data communication has been selected as the project supervisor. He passed one of the few projects that have been proposed. Projects were selected title is Micro-controller Based eggs Incubator and the project was successfully registered on the official website UniKLBMI-FYP.            


As a conclusion to this week, the objectives of the activities carried out successfully. Students can pursue the next step in their projects as soon as possible and meet the supervisor weekly to update the progress of the project.

Date : 12 September 2013

Title of activity : Final Year Project 1 briefing.

Briefing for final year project was held at room TTL 2 at 2pm. The purpose of this briefing is to ensure that students are aware of and understand the guidelines on this matter. In addition, to inform students about the use of  UniKLBMI-FYP  websites. The students were also given important information about what students need to do and some of the procedures they have to follow as finding a project supervisor, registered title and other projects were presented by Mrs. Nor Khairiah Bt Ibrahim, Sir Mohd Syazwan bin Md Yid and Mrs. Nulida Bt Abd Aziz.

As a conclusion from this briefing, students know the procedures that they should be following and some of the important date that they should be remind to complete all the tasks perfectly.