Project research is an important part of solving the problem on the project. Project research must continue until it is completed and functioning as intended.
1. To investigate and learn part of software related with the project.
2. To solve the problem using MPLAB and Proteus software.
Problem Encountered
The problem during the week is to finish the coding for the project incubator program. As of last week, the problem comes is how to program the keypad 4 x 4 and other parts using interrupts. Interrupt that I use for this program is TMR0IF.
Project Description
Part that I has a problem during the week are the parts of the software. The problem comes, when the program projects using interrupts. I've tried to re-program but it still does not work as the project needed.To resolve this problem, I referring the book 'The 8051 microcontroller and emmbeded system' to understand the concept of the use of interrupts in the program. In addition, lecture notes is also used to solve the problems encountered and ask in forums on the internet such as linkedin. Below is the most important when do the research to solved a problems.
The following concepts are part of most formal research :-
1. Identification
2. Evidence
3. Recognition
4. Analysis of data
5. Identification
6. Attribution
Project Outcome
As a result of the project for this week, the problem is still in progress to be completed and a book on the picture below to be one of the references to complete the program for egg incubator project.
Figure 1 : "Microcontroller Programming- The Microchip PIC " books by Julio Sanchez & Maria P.Canton
Date : 28/02/2014
Title of activity : Final Year Project 2 briefing.
Briefing for final year project was held at room TTL 2 at 3pm on friday. The purpose of this briefing is to ensure that students are aware of and understand the guidelines on this matter. In addition, to inform students about the use of UniKLBMI-FYP websites. The students were also given important information about what students need to do and some of the procedures they have to follow as important dates like the presentation of the project, a final report sending and other projects were presented by Mrs. Nulida Bt Abd Aziz and UniKLBMI-FYP community.
As a conclusion from this briefing, students know the procedures that they should be following and some of the important date that they should be remind to complete all the tasks perfectly.