Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Title : Proposal Report for Final Year Project 1


This week is the last week to submit a report of the proposal project and also the last week to update the blog or logbook. All the requirements needed on this week have been prepared before. Failure to submit the project proposal report and update the blog or logbook to the supervisor will have an impact on the overall mark for this subject FYP 1. This is because the assessment done by their supervisors without involving other instructors. The deadline for completing this assignment is on 13/12/13 ie before at 5.00 pm.

  1. To documentation all the idea and information of the project  in a report.
  2. To ensure all the assessment criteria is achieved perfectly.

Problem Encountered

All the requirement that needed in implementing a report project has been made and meets all the required assessment criteria which means the first and second of the objective is achieved perfectly. However, a bit of problem occurs in make the report project, it is to compress the information that already have, to be a good report of project proposal. As a solution, the guidelines for project proposal that prepared by FYP committee will be made as a guideline in making the report .

Project Description

The entire criteria that needed in making the project proposal report will be fulfilled by referring the proposal presentation assessment that given by FYP committee. Below is a copy of the documents that given:-

                                                 Figure 1 : Guidelines Project Proposal.

All the figures above is the guidelines to prepared the project proposal report .

Project Outcome

All task for this semester already done

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Title : Microcontroller PIC coding lerning


Microcontroller PIC is the main controller of egg incubator project. Microcontroller is a subject that has been learned during the last semester. This week, I am more focused study on the basis of microcontroller coding. It's refreshing to learning more about the basics of coding.

  1. To understanding and learn about the microcontroller basic coding.
  2. To refreshing previous study about microcontroller basic coding.
Problem Encountered

To learn microcontroller, we must have software MPLAB and Proteus. This is because the MPLAB software is used to write the coding and Proteus is to draw a circuit / hardware on a project with the intended to understand the functionality of the project when encoding implemented. The problem is my MPLAB software have corrupted because I lost the library file for MPLAB software.So I am do not able to
creating library file,defining library file,inclusion of library file into program and adding Functions to the Library.That is important in creating a coding when it compile the code.The problem is considered completed, when I reinstall the MPLAB sofware.

Project Description

Process of learning this week focused on how to program push button, LCD and interrupt learning using MPLAB software. This is because it is will be used in incubator projects that will be developed later.The first step I need to know how the connection. To be connected to the PIC Microcontroller, I can choose to make 'active high' or 'low active'. The sequel is as below.

Figure 1: Push Button connection circuit 

For active low, in normal conditions PIC port is high. When the switch is press, the ports of the PIC will be low.While the active high, in normal circumstances PIC port is low. When the switch is press, the PIC port will be high.

Second,LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a device to display various character. Among these having dot matrix LCD controller is HD44780. HD44780 can be operated in 5x8 or 5X10 dot matrix. LCD's have some size by the number of characters. Among them are 16X2 or 20x4 character. 16X2 character LCD means it has 16 characters in line with 2 lines. LCD has 16 pins.

                                                        Figure 2 : LCD display  HD44780

Thirdly, interrupt is one of the special functions in PIC. Interrupt is used to place a significant program on reason for the occurrence a particular source. PIC16 has 15 interrupt sources. Selection interrupt address is determined by the number of INTCON, PIE1 and PIE2.

                                                    Figure 3 : Address and register for interrupt.

Project Outcome

The result that have already learning from this task is such as that shown below:-

  1. Push Button

                                    Figure 3 : The result from Proteus software using Push Button

                                               Figure 4 : MPLAB software coding code.

      2. LCD display

  Figure 5 : The result from Proteus software 

                                  Figure 6 : MPLAB software coding code to display name and id

      3. Interrupt

Figure 7 : Showed on the Proteus ISIS program.

Figure 8 : The program coding for interrupt function

As a conclusion,refreshing study is important to ensure the project do not have a problem, when it's time for me to complete the project incubator.This is because to program the project  that proper functioning is the part of most complicated to implement.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Title : Budget


Every project will be developed requires a budget. The budget process is to collect all related costs with finishing a project. In other terms, it is adding up estimated costs for every activity performed by the individually to complete the project that is being developed accurate at the expected time. This week, the total cost of the project has been estimated to be listed and discussed in detail.

  1. To estimate overall cost of the project.
  2. To list cost of the entire material that will be used in this proposed project.
Problem Encountered

In the budgetary cost of the project, the difficulty is in finding quality and cheaper products. It is because usually quality products will be sold at a high price and to get the cheapest price, the quantity of goods that requires a a lot of each item purchased.Several initiative will be taken for the purposes to solve this problem i.e. survey a few stores that sell the cheapest product before buying that product.

Project Description 

To overcome the problems that face. Several solutions have been made​​, which is to find associated shops through the various websites. Moreover, with reference to my friends and lecturers, typically in finding the components of the project.As a result of suggestions senior students and lecturers, there is an online company that sells a variety of electronic components, electrical and others. The company is Cytron Technologies and to reference there is website for that company

Project Outcome

The result that obtained from this task is such as a table that shown below:-

                                          Table 1: Estimation on the overall cost of the project

The total cost to develop the project is about RM 311.9. It is still affordable to the consumer. However, there are some components that are not sure the market price because it needs to be booked. But it is still within the overall budget RM 311.9.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Titles : Presentation Final Year Project 1 


During this week  is a presentation week for all student taking the subject FYP 1/13. In this presentation, the student is required to prepare with provide a slide presentation for the project. Presentation project is important to ensure that project will be developed according to the criteria accepted by the desired assessor. The format for final year project presentation was provided to the students and they can make referrals based on proposal assessment criteria. The overall mark obtained by students is the average mark given by Supervisor and second assessor. This week, a preparation for presentation day will be made and discussed clearly.The proposal presentation will be held at Gemilang Hall and start from 2.00 p.m till 5.00 p.m. Students will be assessed by two persons of invited assessor from related department with the project title.

  1. To make some preparations before presentation day.
  2. To making a PowerPoint presentation according to the assessment criteria that given.
  3. To presented the idea of the project.
Project Encountered

The activity on this week there are some problems encountered especially content filling in the slide because there is a less information accurately obtained from friends and others. All the problems encountered in preparation of the slides can be solved by reference and discuss with supervisor Sir Ahmad Rashidi Bin Amran. The content that should be included in the slide is of assignments that have been made during this semester.The things that need to be made only extract all gathered information briefly, concise and easy to understand.

Project Description

From all the information gathered during the week before will be extracted in a way that is easily understood by the required assessment criteria. Every slide will be decorated to look more attractive because sometimes people will get bored when too many words are included in the slide. As a solution, some information will be described using SmartArt graphics visual  and  Microsoft visio for presenting information. Pictures are also used to make the slide more interesting. Below showed the proposal presentation assessment that must following by students:-

                                                           Table 1 : Assessment criteria

Project Outcome

My assessor for my presentation are Dr. Hafiz  and Madam. Hidayah. I had presented about my idea that is the Microcontroller Based Eggs Incubator complete with its methodology, problems statement and many more.The figure below is a slide that has been made for presentation day.

                                                            Figure 1: Presentation slide.

All the completed slides will be shown to the project supervisors before presentation day. As a conclusions, all tasks for this week completed perfectly and the power point presentation that has been made has been approved by project supervisor.