Sunday, December 8, 2013


Title : Budget


Every project will be developed requires a budget. The budget process is to collect all related costs with finishing a project. In other terms, it is adding up estimated costs for every activity performed by the individually to complete the project that is being developed accurate at the expected time. This week, the total cost of the project has been estimated to be listed and discussed in detail.

  1. To estimate overall cost of the project.
  2. To list cost of the entire material that will be used in this proposed project.
Problem Encountered

In the budgetary cost of the project, the difficulty is in finding quality and cheaper products. It is because usually quality products will be sold at a high price and to get the cheapest price, the quantity of goods that requires a a lot of each item purchased.Several initiative will be taken for the purposes to solve this problem i.e. survey a few stores that sell the cheapest product before buying that product.

Project Description 

To overcome the problems that face. Several solutions have been made​​, which is to find associated shops through the various websites. Moreover, with reference to my friends and lecturers, typically in finding the components of the project.As a result of suggestions senior students and lecturers, there is an online company that sells a variety of electronic components, electrical and others. The company is Cytron Technologies and to reference there is website for that company

Project Outcome

The result that obtained from this task is such as a table that shown below:-

                                          Table 1: Estimation on the overall cost of the project

The total cost to develop the project is about RM 311.9. It is still affordable to the consumer. However, there are some components that are not sure the market price because it needs to be booked. But it is still within the overall budget RM 311.9.

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