Monday, May 19, 2014


Title: Preparation for presentation FYP-2


During this week is a presentation week for all student taking the subject FYP2/14. In this presentation,the student is required to prepare with provide a poster for the project. Presentation project is important to ensure students will present with respectively project by the desired assessor. The format for final year project presentation was provided to the students. The overall mark obtained by students is the average mark given by supervisor and second assessor. This week,a preparation for presentation day will be made and discussed clearly. The final project presentation will be held at Gemilang Hall and start form 8.00 a.m till 12.30 p.m. Students will be assessed by two persons of invited assessor from related department with the project title.


1. To make some preparations before presentation day.
2. To presented the function of completed project hardware.

Project Encountered

For this activity in this week,did't have a problem to prepare presentation day for final year project 2.

Project Description

From all the information gathered during the week before will be extracted in away that is easily understood by the required assessment criteria. Below showed the FYP2 project presentation assessment that must following by students:

Figure 1: FYP2 Project Presentation assessment.

Figure 2: Cont..

Figure 3: Cont..

Project Outcome

For presentation day, my assessor are Mohd Raziff Abd. Razak and Siti Zajummi Mohd Zawawi. I had presented about my project that is Microcontroller Based Eggs Incubator.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Title : Project Poster


A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. In this FYP Sem 2 all students required to provide poster during presentation day. Students need to design the poster based on own project and by referring the FYP Sem 2 guideline that already have at FYP BMI website.


1. To complete design the poster of project.
2. To design the poster based on guideline FYP required.

Problem Encountered

During this activity there are no problem I get because the guideline already giving, so it's easy for me to referring.

Project Description

Throughout the process of making a poster application used to create the poster is the software publisher.

This is because Microsoft office publisher is easy to use and also easy to set A1 (Potrait) as a guideline requirement.The content in a poster based on the project and according to the requirements supervisor and

Figure 1: FYP Sample Poster .

Project Outcome

As a project outcome ,the activity in this week is done and below the picture poster for presentation project of Microcontroller Based Eggs Incubator.

Figure 2: Poster Project completed.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Title: Mechanical Installation


In this week,I am continue the activity for previous week to complete install the mechanical project.


1. To complete installation mechanical design of project.

2. To apply the equipment and materials that appropriate with specification of project.

Problem Encountered

In this week the problem during installation mechanical project is to install and mounting the DC motor to make sure the conveyor can move smoothly and the motor chain will not slipped from the sprocket as a required in this project.  

*The video show of problem, that chain motor not moving smoothly when DC motor run.

Project Description

To solved the problem in this week, I am try to change the mounting of DC motor. This is because, the week previous I'm use the cable tie to tighten between DC motor and holder motor. So, that why the DC motor still moving and not stable when run. Then, this week I'm use U-clamp to clamp the DC motor with holder motor to ensure the chain and motor can run smoothly and not slipped as a week before.

Figure 1: U-clamp

Figure 2: The installation DC motor before and after.

Project Outcome

As a project outcome in this week activity is I 'm complete install mechanical project and solved the problem during this week. Below is the picture and video progress project in this week.

Figure 3: Complete installation Eggs incubator project. 

Figure 4: Cont..

                                                    *Video show how the rotation eggs run.

                                                   *Video how the fan of project function.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Title: Mechanical Installation


Mechanical installation is the one part of hardware development, it's most complicated to install because it need to relate with electronic design that designed in the previous week. This week, all works that relate with this matter will be discussed and shown clearly.


1. To complete installation mechanical design of project.

2. To apply the equipment and materials that appropriate with specification of project.

Project Encountered

All works that made is based on the project design and electronic design that has been implemented before. Thus, it does not give any either before, during do this activities. However, this activities is still in progress.

Project Description

The installation mechanical plastic acrylic and wiring for this project is made separately. The following is the procedures to install and wire all the components that used in this project show below :-

Step 1

First, cut  acrylic plastic according to the size of the drawing's project.

Figure 1: Cutting the Acrylic plastic.

Step 2

Drill holes in the plastic acrylic by location and mechanical components to be in the stick later on measurements that have been made.

Figure 2: Drill holes of acrylic for mount the components and others mechanical.

Step 3

Third, affix all acrylic plastic cut to size using Styrofoam. All design based on mechanical drawing's.

Figure 3: Affix and design mechanical project.

Step 4

Lastly, try to mounting the components of project.

Figure 4: Mounting the component.

Project Outcome

As a conclusion for this activity is not completely done and it will continue for the next week to complete the task.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Title : Mechanical Design


Mechanical parts is the basic elements of all mechanical hardware can come in virtually any shape and size, although composite or modular functionality is highly advantageous in today's competitive market. Factories and manufacturers take these parts and assemble them into finished products, which are then sold on the market. Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business processes, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns). So,these project need to prepare the mechanical before start design and installation the mechanical.


1. To design mechanical parts based eggs incubator.
2. To complete prepared project mechanical parts.
3. To design simple and cheaper mechanical project eggs incubator .  

Project Encountered

For this activity in this week, did't have a problem to prepare and design the mechanical parts.

Project Description

As a project description in this week , I am start to draw simple mechanical parts to build box eggs incubator as show figure 1 below. For preparation mechanical part materials, I get in the way of market Kuala Lumpur such as acrylic, Styrofoam glue,rod, chain,sprocket and etc.

Figure 1: Eggs incubator box view.

Project Outcome 

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Title : Test and Troubleshoot 


Circuit test is an example of white box testing where an electrical probe tests a populated printed circuit board (PCB), checking for shorts, opens, resistance, capacitance, and other basic quantities which will show whether the assembly was correctly fabricated.Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes. It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made operational again.


1. To test the functionality of the circuit.
2. To troubleshoot the circuit.
3. To complete the electronic circuit parts.

Problem Encountered

During the test circuit project there is a problem in a Real Time Clock (RTC). RTC does not work well and do not show the time and date display on the LCD as required by the project. So,the circuit need to troubleshoot and identify the source of the problem.

Project Description

To solve the problem, there are some technique that I used to identify the component or circuit that was breaker or damage. First, give the board a careful visual inspection for faulty joints, damaged PCB tracks, loose connectors, damaged components, signs of overheating, etc.Components often fail by going open or short circuit. We can check for short circuits while they are still on the board. We can often check for open circuits as well, if we allow for the resistance of the rest of the circuit "in parallel" with the component we want to check. Second, measure the actual voltages with the board powered up, to find what is not as we expected it to be. Next, after check the circuit , I identify that crystal 32.768 KHz was damage and need to change. After I change that component, Real Time Clock (RTC) circuit was function as usual.

Project Outcome

The problem for this week was solved and the video below show the circuit function and run.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Title : Installation of electronic components.


An electronic component is any basic discrete device or physical entity in an electronic system used to affect electrons or their associated fields. Electronic components are mostly industrial products, available in a singular form and are not to be confused with electrical elements, which are conceptual abstractions representing idealized electronic components.


1.To complete install of electronic components.
2.To complete the hardware part of the project on time.

Problem Encountered

To assemble electronic components, several factors should be considered such as, polarity of some components eg, LED, capacitors and others. Next, the PIN of each component must be soldered or connected correctly and according Datasheet each components.

Project Description

In the assembly of electronic components on a circuit requires a complete equipment such as tools kit(figure 1) to ensure a smooth process of assemble the components and not delayed. Next, true soldering technique - In practice electronics, installing or removing components required soldering. Soldering technique and there should be certain ways. Here are a few techniques that should be followed in the process of soldering electronic components. 

Step of soldering techniques:-

1.Plug solder on electrical contacts .
2.Wait until hot enough Solder .
3.Soldering tip clean with a wet sponge. 
4.If the new solder, solder tip is coated first with a thin tin and evenly. 
5.Clean the material to be soldered (which should be free of fat, rust or other impurities) .
6.Components mounted on the PCB tight (not loose hole), so the components are not rocking .
7.Paste solder tip on the component and the PCB will be hot enough to solder .
8.Then paste the tin in the solder to melt by the end of a sufficient amount to solder.
9.Lift solder and tin, wait a few seconds until the tin to harden and not rocking component. completed.

  Figure 1: Tools kit.

Project Outcome

Based on picture below, its show the complete activity for the this week.